What's new in Freeway 7?

General overview

The most important feature in Freeway 7 is "Responsive Webdesign". For this feature many changes in many parts of the programme had to be realized.
In the course of restructuring the programme further interesting functions were developed:

Responsive Webdesign

Create websites that respond and adapt to any device they're viewed on. Whether it's a phone or a desktop computer, your sites will look exactly as you designed them to - and all in the same way that you create sites in Freeway right now.

Automatic navigation menus

Navigation menus can now be automatically generated based on the pages and folders in your site. All you need to do is say how you want them to look and Freeway will handle the rest.

Improve your search engine and social reach

Optimizing your sites for the major search engines and social network sites is simpler than ever. Content is still king, but new features added in 7 will give your sites an added push to increase your reach.

Beautiful data tables

It's now possible to make your data tables look as gorgeous as the rest of your website, without having to rely on custom CSS.

Productivity enhancements

We've focussed on improving your productivity and efficiency by adding new shortcuts for repetitive tasks, streamlining lengthy operations, and making it possible to completely change all existing shortcuts.


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